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Wishing you your highest form of self-care... Press play and let us serenade your ears with our curated playlists!
The Founder's Edit: Courtesy of the OG Muse, Ezinne Iroanya—a maven of grace, wit, and enviable radiance!
Sundays are sacred to Ezinne; a day she luxuriously devotes to self-care, indulgent brunches, spiritual rejuvenation, or blissful naps. It's Ezinne's day, mastered to perfection.
Dive into this playlist for a taste of her idyllic Sundays.
Available on Apple Music and Spotify
SKNMUSE SOUNDS: Founder's edit

In partnership with Bayt Moksha, we're releasing our first bicultural playlist titled "High Life". Inspired by Eastern Nigeria and India, an ode to the sounds that remind us of home and two beautiful cultures.

Press play and allow your ears travel beyond boarders. 

Available on Apple Music and Spotify

High life music cover


Introducing our first playlist of 2023! Curated by Leema Mason, founder of Spit or Swallow Podcast and Sexual health advocate for all things women, orgasms and education! 

Available on Apple Music and Spotify


This Quarter we have a special guest, the all magnificent Taj Eldridge, a visionary and mentor for SKNMUSE.  

“This is a love letter to Celeste- Mother Earth as a celestial. Through the years via music we told her we love her but our actions failed to personify those statements into action. Like our skin, we must nourish and care for Celeste, there’s a connection to our bodies and the embodiment of earth” - TAJ

Available on Apple Music and Spotify

SKNMUSE Playlist by TAJ

Available on Apple Music and Spotify

Playlist Banner
Available on Apple Music and Spotify