Since I received my this body oil, just over a week ago, I have been wearing it non stop.
I am very choosy about the kind of scents I wear and what I will or will not put on my skin. The oil moisturises well without being greasy.
Now lets talk about the scent, it is clean and kind of a vanilla scent without being too sweet. I never wear vanilla because I find it cloying but this one is perfect. Sometimes it reminds me of Nivea creme scent (which I love).
The scent is quite long lasting too.
The only thing that would impact how often I buy this is the shipping cost as i like in the UK and the cost to ship it here is quite alot.
I guess it costs how much it costs, but for me, this will make me use it sparingly.
I also purchased the perfume oil and that also is gorgeous, but for some reason I prefer the body oil more.
I would love it if the body oil was available in a white musk scent. If it were, i would eat it :-)